Colombian Education System: Free Primary School

 Colombian Education System: Free Primary School 

Colombia is the fifth largest country in Latin America almost twice the size of Texas and has a population of over 46 million. If you are planning to move to Colombia than you should check the education system of Colombia to get the basics about the education system in Colombia.

In this article, we will discuss the education system in Columbia. The education system in Columbia has 11 years containing 5 years of elementary school, 4 years of lower secondary and 2 years of higher education. Basic education (elementary) is free and compulsory too for children between the ages of 5 and 15.

The Ministry of Education manages and regulates the education system in Columbia. Most of the Ministry of Education sets the framework and learning objectives for the subject and for each grade level, but some schools are also allowed to organize their own specific learning plans but they must be in accordance to community and regional needs.

Basic Education

Primary school starts for Children aged 1 to 6. Older children aged 1 to 6 are seen going to a day ETA at a good day care or nursery school a national lack of educational facilities the Colombian government adopted an automatic promotion policy. Despite this, many Colombians compare their standards favorably to those in America. From age 1 onwards children are seen in community daycares and nursery schools sponsored by the National Institute for Family Welfare. At the age of 6 they enrolled in elementary school. Standards in rural areas compare unfavorably with cities where teachers are better. Secondary Education

Secondary education is divided into 4 years of compulsory basic secondary education, grades 6 to 9, and a 2-year non-compulsory stage known as Middle Vocational Education (Educacion Media Vocacional), grades 10 and 11. Vocational Education is offer a variety of specializations (technical, business, arts, and others, including purely academic programs), and are mostly available in urban areas.

School calendar and holidays

The standard calendar is A, which starts at the end of January and has four academic periods, ending in November. There are holidays for Easter, in June-July, and one week in October. Private schools tend to use calendar B, which starts at the beginning of September, and ends in June. Both calendars have a month or month and a half off for Christmas.


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