The control and prevention of crime as an object of criminology

The control and prevention of crime as an object of criminology  

Eduardo Fernandez King Juan Carlos University Keywords: environment, deviation, social reaction, social conflict, death penalty Summary Control is limited in Criminology to educate the social individual from birth in appropriate and non-criminal behavior. This new approach anticipates the idea of ​​exterminating crime as the ultimate goal in courts and prisons. The utopian goal of definitively eradicating crime is replaced by a much more realistic one of controlling it as much as possible, assuming its inevitability. Prevention does not focus on crime from the legal field, but as a natural crime that is synonymous with rational criminality and that must be tackled previously. Quotes Alonso, F. & Núñez, M. A, (2002). Notions of Criminology. Madrid, Spain: Colex. Antenna 3 News. (2015). Antena 3 Noticias launches 'Tolerancia Cero', a new Corporate Responsibility campaign against gender violence, Antena 3. Retrieved on May 12, 2017  

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