Pakistan Geography

Qno.1: In which side of Pakistan are situated Pacific Arab and Pacifica hind?

Ans: Pacifica Arab and Pacifica hind are situated in the south and south east side of Pakistan.
These are important international business places.

Qno.2: Which country is situated in the east side of Pakistan and what is called it's common boundary line? 

Ans: In the east side of Pakistan a big country India is situated. With the common boundary line of that country is called Had Bandi Line or Boundary Line.

Qno.3 In which way Pakistan can take benefit from the independent states of ex-U.S.S.R?

Ans: To link through motorway to independent Islamic States of ex- U.S.S.R, Pakistan can get the maximum benefits from their 

Qno.4: Why is its considered to India a big country?

Ans: By Population after the China it come the 2nd number of India Therefore, it is considered a big country of India 

Qno.5: What is the ratio of birth and ratio of death in Pakistan?

Ans: Birth ratio in Pakistan is 2% and death is 11% per person per thousand is in Pakistan. While in the children ratio of death 80 per thousand and in birth the ratio of death is 68 per thousand annually.

Qno.6: Write down the names of important mountain ranges of Pakistan?

Ans: (1) = Northern mountain ranges. 
          (2) = Central mountain ranges.
          (3) = Western mountain ranges.

Qno.7: Narrate the mountain or what is mountain?

And: Mountain is called such apiece, Which is situated high from sea minimum 900 meters and is stony, enplained and cliff plateau. 

Qno.8: In which mountain range are situated the mountain of Shawalik? 

Ans: Shawalik mountains are situated in the range of Himalayas and also called the outer or sub mountain range of Himalayas kohi Shawalik mountains.

Qno.9: Which are the main things in the natural condition of Pakistan?

Ans: Snow covered and Drought Mountains, Variables lands, wide plains of fertile soil, valleys and deserts are the main essentials in the natural condition of Pakistan.

Qno.10: In which countries is divided the outer/sub Range of Himalayas Mountains? 

Ans: West part of outer/sub Range of Himalayas is linked with Pakistan and Northern part is linked with India.

Qno.11: When and where has tested the nuclear tests?

Ans: On 28th May 1998,In the mountain of chaghi Pakistan has tested/done the six success ful nuclear tests.

Qno.12: Where is situated Hindu Kush mountain and which is its Famous peak ? 

Ans: In the northwest side of Pakistan there are range of mountains of Hindu Kush mountain. It's mostly part is situated in Afghanistan. And famous peak of that range is Torch Mir That is 7690 meters.

Qno.13: What is the height from sea and famous peak of kuraKaram?

Ans: Average height of kuraKaram from sea is 700 meters and in kuraKaram it is situated 2nd highest peak 8611 meter high of this world Gordon Austin (K-2)

Qno.14: What is meant by weather explain with example?

Ans: Meaning of environment is the daily environmental condition of any country, place or spot. For example environment of Lahore in the morning pleasing, in noon hot and evening it's better:

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