Communication and Leadership

The Nature And Purpose Of Communication In Organization 

 Communication is the social process in which two or more parties exchange information and share meaning Communication among individuals and groups is vital in all organizations The primary purpose is to achieve coordinated action. Without communication, an organization would be merely a collection of individual workers doing separate tasks. Organizational action would lack coordination and would be oriented toward individual rather than organizational goals A second purpose of communication is information sharing. The information relates to organizational goals, which give members a sense of purpose and direction. Another information-sharing function of communication is to give specific task directions to individuals/groups. Whereas, task communication tells them what their job duties are.

Three Purposes of Organizational Communication

 Achieving coordinated action is the prime purpose of communication in organizations. Sharing information properly and expressing emotions help achieve coordinated action Communication is an element of interpersonal relations that obviously is affected by the international environment, partly because of language issues and because of coordination issues 


 Improving the Communication Process To improve organizational communication, one must understand potential problems. Using the basic communication process, we can identify several ways to overcome typical problems The purpose of feedback is verification, in which the receiver sends a message to the source indicating receipt of the message and the degree to which it was understood. Lack of feedback can cause at least two problems: First, the source may need to send another message that depends on the response to the first; or to send the original message again. Second, the receiver may act on the unverified message; if the receiver misunderstood the message, the resulting act may be inappropriate. Because feedback is so important, the source must actively seek it, and the receiver must supply it. Often it is appropriate for the receiver to repeat the original message as an introduction to the response. Nonverbal cues can provide instantaneous feedback. These include body language and facial expressions such as anger and disbelief 


 Leadership is both a process and a property. As a process, leadership involves the use of noncoercive influence. As a property, leadership is the set of characteristics attributed to someone who is perceived to use influence successfully. A leader has the ability to affect the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, motivation, and or behaviors of others. From an organizational viewpoint, leadership is vital because it has such a powerful influence on individual and group behavior. Organizations need both management and leadership if they are to be effective. For example, leadership is necessary to create and direct change and to help the organization get through tough times. And management is necessary to achieve coordination and systematic results and to handle administrative activities during times of stability and predictabilit 


 Situational models assume that appropriate leader behavior varies from one situation to another. The goal of a situational theory, then, is to identify key situational factors and to specify how they interact to determine appropriate leader behavior. THE LPC THEORY OF LEADERSHIP: LPC stands for least-preferred coworker Fred Fiedler developed the LPC theory of leadership. The LPC theory attempts to explain and reconcile both the leader’s personality and the complexities of the situation. The LPC theory contends that a leaders effectiveness depends on the situation and, as a result, some leaders may be effective in one situation or organization but not in another.

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